
WordPress.COM basics – WP workshop [02]

On the second day of Davor Altman’s WordPress workshop, the time has come for some practical stuff. A few practical assignments were given, through which some basic options could be practiced. Here’s a link for the first (introductory) WordPress workshop. Without further ado, on to the tasks:

0. Creating a account

I made a short video that demonstrates this, with adding 2-factor protection for the account. The video has no speech, only some strange local music.

[01-1] Creating a new account
Creating a account

Before starting with the assignments, I can recommend watching the video made by Davor Altman, where he explains the basic interface options of The video is in Serbian, but the menus and options are all in English, so it should help.

WordPress Radionice - Novi Sad

1. First assignment

  • Make a new website with a new theme.
  • Create a home page with one paragraph, one picture and one list.
  • Make a news (“vesti”) page with a paragraph, a quote, a picture and a list of published posts.
  • Make a gallery (“galerija”) page with a paragraph and a gallery.
  • Create a post with “Zanimljivosti” (peculiarities) category.
  • Create another post with the same category.
  • Create a post that has no category, but has a tag “Restorani” (restaurants). This post should be created using the Classic editor, not Gutenberg. It should have two headings and a picture.
  • Create a menu that contains all the pages, categories and tags.
  • Add social share buttons to the website, using the theme, or a plugin. I forgot about this, so it’s done and demonstrated at the end of the second assignment.

I created a bit longer (over 20 minutes) video that demonstrates this. With strange local music again. 🙂

[01-2] Basic options
Basic options

2. Second assignment

  • Make a new post and publish it as private.

The post should contain:

  • Two paragraphs divided by a separator (separator blocks).
  • Contact form.
  • Cover image with text and a link.
  • Three columns, such that the first one contains a YouTube video, second contains a picture, while the third one contains a list of 5 cities in Serbia.
  • Image next to the text (Media & Text block).
  • Slider with 3 images.
  • Gallery with 5 images, so that each leads to a different social network (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest).
  • A button that leads to the news (“Vesti”) page.
  • Add social share buttons to the website, using the theme, or a plugin.

Video demonstration:

[01-3] excercise 2
Just in case you can’t think of a better way to waste time…

Links to all the finished workshops so far:

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Tools and other products that I use (and can recommend)

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