
BikeGremlin’s Black Friday recommendations

I’ve made a very brief list of offers that I consider good enough to buy myself, or recommend to friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

The list is very short, and quite exclusive. That is deliberate. Listing all the existing discounts would beat its purpose – the idea is to curate and share deals that I know are good (compared to regular prices), by companies I’ve found to be reliable when doing business with them.

I wanted to keep the list in one place, but to help more people not miss it. That’s why I’ll just link to the original list on my cycling-related website (the list includes both computer, and cycling-related deals):

That’s it – just a heads up for the deals I really like, in case they help you. 🙂 Go and check them out.

You can provide feedback, discuss offers or list your own “catches” in the BikeGremlin forum’s Black Friday 2023 threads:

Please use the forum for any comments or questions.

If you've found any errors or lacking information in the article(s) - please let me know by commenting on the BikeGremlin forum.
You can comment anonymously (by registering with any name/nickname), but I think it is good to publicly document all the article additions (and especially corrections) - even if their author chooses to remain anonymous.

Tools and other products that I use (and can recommend)

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