This is a script (some would call it a tutorial) from the third WordPress workshop held by Mr Davor Altman, in Novi Sad. Links to all the finished workshops so far:
- [01] WordPress workshop – Introduction
- [02] WordPress workshop –
- [03] WordPress workshop – advanced WordPress.COM tutorial
- [04] WordPress Local by Flywheel installation tutorial
- [05] HTML and CSS explained
Third workshop brings three new assignments, through which advanced options and capabilities of will be demonstrated (not to be mixed with – on that in the following workshops).
Thanks to both Davor Altman for providing such help to the community (for free and for pure enthusiasm) and to the Startit organization for providing the premises, electricity, Internet (also for free).
3. Third assignment
First two assignments are explained in the article about the second workshop.
- Activate “Toujours” theme.
- Create a Post Slider with 3 slides that is shown on the home page.
- Go to a workshop colleague’s website, subscribe to it and leave a link to your website as a comment.
Video has no talking, only strange domestic music.
4. Fourth assignment
- Make a new website.
- Activate Twenty Seventeen theme.
- Download XML file – and import it to your website.
- Make your website look like the demo on –
- Connect your social networks so that each published post is automatically published there as well.
- Set each post and page to have the following social networks sharing buttons: Facebook, Twitter, Pocket, WhatsApp, Email.
- Set the following video to be shown instead of the header image:
The same video demonstrates both the fourth and the fifth assignment. It is linked at the end of this post.
Note: the 4th assignment is not done in the exact order (sorry for that). I did, however, mark which assignment section is being done.
Note 2: For adding social share buttons (not links to social pages), the website needs to be published, otherwise the options will not be given/shown.
Note 3: sharing of the first post to Facebook did not go properly. Featured image was not loaded. This can happen sometimes (often depends on the image format and size). Solution is to manually add an image to the Facebook post. The second post was not shared deliberately (it was set to not be published on the linked Facebook account). The third post shared properly.
5. Fifth assignment
- Add PayPal button on the home page.
- Create 3 portfolios.
- Create 3 testimonials.
- Make a new page where only portfolios are shown.
- Make a new page where only testimonials are shown.
- Add both of those pages to the main menu.
An (un)expected error occurred because of importing data in the fourth assignment. Home page was linking to the TwentySeventeel demo page, instead of the website’s home page. Fix is demonstrated in the last part of the video (no talking, only strange music):
6. Introduction to WordPress.ORG
At the end of the third workshop, Davor gave an introductory lecture on local installation of Afterwards, he created a tutorial video where it is all nicely demonstrated. The video is in Serbocroatian, but the menus and options are in English so I hope it can be gathered what it’s about: